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Sustainable Practices

As part of our continued commitment to the ongoing health and sustainability of forests, we are passionate advocates of the usage of wood harvested from sustainably managed forests. As proud holders of the FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) & PEFC (Program for Endorsement of Forest Certification) certifications, we adhere to the highest standards of responsible forest management.

Responsible Sourcing

We recognize the importance of preserving our forests and take concrete actions to protect them.

By sourcing wood with FSC or PEFC certifications, we ensure that our products come from sustainably managed and legally harvested sources.

These certifications ensure an unbiased third-party validation, assuring our clients of sustainable forest management practices. Being environmentally relevant, collectively beneficial and economically viable are the foundation of our responsible sourcing approach.

Industry Engagement

Quefor actively engages in conversations related to sustainability within the wood industry and its actors.

We participate in industry forums, collaborate with stakeholders, and stay informed about the latest advancements and best practices. By being involved in these discussions, we continuously learn, adapt, and improve our sustainability initiatives.